As a senior photographer, my session with Amber was the kind I always dream of!

First and most importantly, Amber is an incredible young lady and getting to know her was truly a pleasure. She brought everything to this session - her stunning smile, her great sense of humor, and a willingness to try just about anything. Even when she felt unsteady on her feet in her heels, we giggled about it together because I'm the exact same way! And she still ultimately pulled off those poses with poise. It was such a delight showing Amber the back of the camera and seeing her stunned reaction at just how beautiful she looked! She made absolutely perfect outfit choices with her light blue dress and heeled boots for a dressed-up look, and her stylish jeans and white top with converse for a more casual look. These colors compliment the Colorado scenery SO well, which is why I almost always recommend pastels and neutrals!

I enjoy senior sessions for the creativity they allow, and for the opportunity to celebrate such a special milestone in a child's life as they transition to adulthood. Amber's sweet mom, who I've been acquainted with for many years, expressed the bittersweetness that is seeing your baby (especially firstborn!) all grown up - and while there is a certain pain to knowing your baby is about to leave the nest, the pride Shannon feels for Amber supersedes this by far and Amber had her parents and sister in attendance to help her with her session, encourage her, laugh with her, and celebrate this special moment with her. I love when families attend senior sessions!

While we enjoyed a stunning evening at Quail Lake as the sun slowly sank behind the mountains, creating a golden glow on the water and surrounding trees and flowers, I learned of Amber's love of sunflowers - how fortuitous that we had multiple opportunities to enjoy them during Amber's session! She told me about her bathroom decorated in sunflowers and her sunflower backpack, and honestly, of all the photos in her session, I think she enjoyed these the most! As the waves lapped on the rocks and the moon began to shine above us, I learned that like me, Amber loves board games and like I did as a teen, wandering the mall - these are things many young people don't do much of these days, and I loved connecting with Amber's "old soul".

Photographing Amber and getting to know her was truly a joy! Sessions like hers truly fill my cup, and give me hope for a world that sometimes feels like it's crumbling - people like Amber up and coming into the adult world give me hope that it'll one day be in good hands. Amber plans to study nursing after she graduates, so she already has a heart for helping people, and she's going to be amazing at it. Thank you for trusting me with these special portraits for your senior year!

Senior girl twirls dress and leans against a tree smiling left during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl runs her fingers through her hair and smiles downward during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs
Senior girl stands with crossed feet and hand touching cheek during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl holds a sunflower and smiles towards the lake during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl holds sunflower against her tummy during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits on shore holding a sunflower and watching the ducks swim at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Ducks swim towards the lake shore at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands among sunflowers by the lake and smiles to her left at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl swishes dress as she walks down a path at sunset at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits smiling at a sunflower in her hand at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands among sunflowers twirling her dress and smiling down at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits among the flowers on shore and smiles at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands with hands on hips smiling down over her shoulder at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl smiles and kneels in the sunflowers at sunset at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands among sunflowers with hand on hip and runs hand through hair at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits on a rock by a lake smiling at a sunflower in her hand at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands among sunflowers and smiles to her right at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl kneels among sunglowers and smiles at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl smiles over her shoulder while standing on a Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl reclines against a pier railing and smiles at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl leans against a pier railing and smiles over her shoulder at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits by the lake leaning into her knees at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl folds arms leaning against a tree smiling to the left at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits smiling and leaning against her knees at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands on rocks in front of lake smiling to the right at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl stands with hand on hip holding her hair tips smiling down at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl sits on a rock touching hand to face and smiling at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl smiles as the moon rises above her at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.
Senior girl raises her arms facing the lake during senior photos at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs.