In a quarter century living in Colorado Springs, I have never seen the sunflowers as prolific and glorious as they are this year. What a delightful coincidence that last year, Holly said that for our next family session together, she would love to do them in a field of summer sunflowers! We've had an unusually rainy summer here and the flowers have been incredible all summer. The sunflowers usually show up in mid-July, but began to show up in mid-June, and are absolutely filling the meadows. Everything is incredibly green! Holly, along with her husband and two teenage sons, showed up looking absolutely dapper in a lacy white dress, khaki pants, white shirts and suspenders on the boys, and a nice blue polo for dad. Holly is always a genius at styling and hit it out of the park this year with the light neutrals that stood out perfectly against all the colors surrounding them from the sunflower fields and the looming thunderstorm - the light from the setting sun combined with the heavy storm clouds renders the colors of the landscape much richer! As always, I was prepared with my clear umbrellas - I always have them handy just in case of rain, and I confess I'm a little excited I got to use them! The result is always incredible!

I have been blessed to photograph Holly's family for many years, since long before I started this business. All photographers start somewhere. and while I often cringe looking back at where I started, I will forever be grateful for the people who took a chance on me and helped me grow - and Holly not only did that, but has stuck with me for many, many years, and in her own family's photos I can see the story of their growth and change - and mine. Holly's trust in me is something I absolutely treasure and never take for granted. She has trusted me to provide beautiful photos, help choose locations, and document her family's story. That trust has made our photo sessions so much fun!

Holly, thank you for your continued trust over the years. Thank you for being willing to take photos in the rain, drive and hike up to mountain tops and have a dance-off, endure chilly fall mornings, try brand new locations, and so much more. Your family's sense of adventure has meant years of memories you'll always treasure. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives for so many years.

Parents pose and smile together with their teen boys in the sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Family of four stands among wild sunflowers talking together during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Parents and their teen boys stand smiling together among the sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband dips his wife for a kiss under an umbrella during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband nuzzles his wife's neck and she smiles during their family session in Colorado Springs.
husband and wife walk hand in hand through the sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers smile at each other with arms around each other during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers pose and smile separately at sunset during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers pose under and umbrella during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy poses and smiles on a blanket at sunset during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy poses under an umbrella in the rain during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy kneels on the path between sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy holds up numbers with his age and smiles to the side during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy poses with numbers showing his age during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy smiles and sits on a blanket at sunset during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy poses with an umbrella in the rain during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy kneels on the path between sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy holds numbers showing his age and smiles to the side during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy kneels among the sunflowers at sunset during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Family of four walks together through a meadow of flowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband hugs his wife from behind and they gaze into the distance during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband and wife nuzzle noses among the sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband and wife snuggle together among the sunflowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Parents and two teen boys sit together among the sunflowers at sunset during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Brothers hold numbers showing their age and smile at each other during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boys kneel on a path among the sunflowers with numbers showing their age during their family session in Colorado.
Teen brothers touch foreheads and smile during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers sit together and smile during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers stand together in a sunflower field during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen brothers pose together under an umbrella during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy stands among the sunflowers with crossed arms and smiles during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Teen boy stands among the sunflowers with crossed arms and smiles during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Husband hugs wife from behind as they laugh together during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Parents look at their two teen boys while sitting in a field of flowers during their family session in Colorado Springs.
Parents and their two teen boys stand among sunflowers and talk during their family session in Colorado Springs.