Wildflowers are never a complete guarantee here, as we technically live in a desert. An alpine desert! But when conditions are right... magic happens!

Spring 2021 had all of the right ingredients, and Laura, Cam, and Everly were the first to bid my call to come make the most of this elegant treat of Rocky Mountain Penstemons! The flowers are different every year, and their timing is different every year, too, but typically late Spring is when they show up - right as it's warming up, and before it gets too hot. And usually if we've had sufficient moisture through winter and spring.

I've lived in Colorado since 1999 and never seen the Penstemons like this before!

We basked in a humid, very warm June evening, letting then-2-year-old Everly run around the woods and explore, smelling flowers, and playing the games that toddlers do. She had a blast, and that play element sure helped get these photos done without a tear shed! We got in a full set of photos in just about 30 minutes - family photos, mom and Everly, dad and Everly, Everly alone, mom and dad together! There is an air of magic to the woods in the springtime, when there are flowers and has been rain, and the fresh, clean air fills you up in a way you didn't even realize you needed.

I don't know yet what 2022 wildflowers will be like, but in the coming weeks I'll have my eye open... and if we are gifted with another glorious blanket of flowers, you can bet I'll be hosting wildflower sessions again very soon!

family of three with toddler girl laugh together among the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
little girl smiles as her parents adore her in Black Forest, Colorado
family of three smiles together in Black Forest, Colorado
daddy holds up his toddler girl with mommy in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl and her mom laugh together among the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl and her mommy sit together in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl and her mommy smile together in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl snuggles with her mommy in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl kisses her mommy in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl explores in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl picking the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl shows photographer a yellow flower in Black Forest, Colorado
daddy and daughter enjoy a wildflower together in Black Forest, Colorado
daddy kisses his little girl as they sit in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl gets excited about a wildflower in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl sits in the wildflowers with her daddy in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl and her daddy smile in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl smells the flowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl squats in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl smiles among the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
family with toddler girl snuggles together in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl smiles between her parents as they hold hands among the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
toddler girl kisses her mom while the family snuggles in Black Forest, Colorado
family of three with toddler girl snuggles together in the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado
family with toddler girl sits among wildflowers and laugh together in Black Forest, Colorado
parents with toddler girl stand and smile among the wildflowers in Black Forest, Colorado