One of the first things that became clear as Taylor told me about her journey towards becoming a nurse is that her father played a huge role in supporting and encouraging her.

Taylor's father passed away a long time ago. But his influence on her life is undeniable. One of her first requests for this session was to include a photo of her dad, which we lovingly added into a few of her photos. I enjoyed hearing Taylor laugh and seeing her smile as she recalled special memories with her dad and elaborated on the strength he gave her when she was younger, strength and encouragement that has lasted over the many long years he has been gone from this earth. Along with his positive encouragement, his sense of humor stands out. Nicknamed "The Bird" in his college years for his long, skinny legs, the nickname lasted for his entire life and influenced the humorous attitude with which he lived his life. His legacy continues in Taylor and in her sons, who know their grandfather well even though they never had the privilege of meeting him in person on this earth.

It's impossible to talk about the incredible person Taylor is without talking first of the father who raised her. Taylor is a hard-working and dedicated wife and mother to her three boys. She's a passionate soon-to-be nurse who lives her life with a healthy sense of humor and ability to laugh at herself - we did a lot of laughing at ourselves during our time together! Her humor and gentle spirit will serve her so well as a nurse - not to mention the people who will be blessed to be her patients! Being a boy mom has also helped Taylor develop a thick skin and a long patience. Having people like Taylor in the health care feed is an incredible blessing!

Taylor, I'm so glad I got to know you during our time together and I SO look forward to seeing y'all in the future and learning more about you, your family, and your family's wonderful legacy! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation - you've worked SO hard and it shows! Thank you for being willing to give of yourself by working in the healthcare field, no easy feat these days, and serving people in need of compassionate healing. You're going to ROCK as a nurse!!!

Nursing graduate in cap and gown smiles with her hand on her hip at sunset during her graduation session in Colorado.
Nursing graduate smiles with a hand on her hip and twists her hair during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate gently holds her cap in her fingertips and smiles downward during her graduation session in Colorado.
Nursing graduate faces the mountains and holds her cap gently in both hands during her graduation session in Colorado.
Nursing graduate in cap and gown smiles and holders her stethoscope during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate holds her cap and smiles to the side during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate crosses her arms and smiles into the distance during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate gazes down at a photo of her late father during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate smiles with her hands on her hips during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Detail shot of a nursing graduate's gown and stole hanging on a tree during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate holds her cap in her fingertips and smiles during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate holds her stethoscope and smiles softly downward during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate rests her hand on her hip and smile during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate squats and smiles to the side as the sun sets during her graduation session in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate stands atop a rock in front of Pikes Peak and smiles with her stethoscope during her photos in CO.
Nursing graduate sits and gently rests her cheek against her hand during her graduation session at Palmer Park in CO.
Nursing graduate holds her stethoscope in the shape of a heart during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado.
Nursing graduate holds her cap and smiles softly as the sun sets during her graduation session at Palmer Park in CO.
Nursing grad crosses her arms and smiles during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate strikes a celebratory pose during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate smiles and holds a photo of her late father during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Sp
Nursing graduate in a gown gazes at her custom cap during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate sits on a rock ledge and smiles softly to the side during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colo
Nursing graduate in gown and stole smiles during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate shows off her custom cap during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
Nursing graduate smiles and plays with her hair as she gazes downward during her graduation session at Palmer Park in CO
Nursing graduate with stethoscope twists her hair during her graduation session at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.