Graduation photos aren't just for high school seniors!

I first met Shelby last summer when she wanted to be sure to document her time with her sweet pets, Labrador Riley and calico cat Chump. I was over the moon when she asked me to also capture such an important milestone in her life - her graduation from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) with a degree in criminal justice/forensics! Shelby plans to attend the Police Academy here in the Springs and serve our city as a police officer and I know we'll be in good hands with her service.

I don't usually do morning sessions because the desired backdrops in our area, to include Pikes Peak, are usually best in the latter half of the day when the sun won't be in anyone's eyes. However, schedules don't always line up with ideal lighting, especially when winter graduation ceremonies are concerned. So we got creative, we still got the peak in the background, and did some photos amid the red rocks too which turned out beautiful! Shooting in those rocks can be challenging because they cast a pinkish-orange hue onto your skin, but carefully managed, it's a stunning session backdrop!

Shelby's parents and significant other were on hand to help her celebrate her graduation, and even Riley and Chump came dressed up for some photos with "mom"! It was cozy but blinding in the sun, and quite chilly in the shade (hello, winter in CO!) so we worked fast, had some laughs, and celebrated the ending of one chapter, and beginning of another in Shelby's life!

Thanks for blessing me with the opportunity to celebrate with you and your loved ones, Shelby!