When Alexandra and I were planning her maternity session in Colorado Springs with her husband and toddler son, we envisioned beautiful mountains, a flowing dress, and dapperly-dressed gentleman at her side.

Part of that vision came true! It was a beautiful fall evening after a recent snow. The sun felt SO good... until it dropped behind the mountains, and the temperature plummeted with it. Alexandra's little son Gabriel was just NOT in a picture-taking mood, cold temperature or not - we attempted to bundle him up and get a few photos, but for the most part if he wasn't being held, he was just miserable and didn't want to be there. Alexandra rocked the beautiful dress she chose from my client closet, and even had a second one picked out to switch into - but in the chaos that is motherhood, also forget her own warm layer - still, she did her session without complaint and looked absolutely incredible.

After trying very hard to console Gabriel, we decided the best course of action was to bundle him up in his stroller and do as many photos of mom and dad as we could, as quickly as possible so he could go home. As a mama I know it's not easy when your child is crying and all you want to do is fix whatever is wrong - thankfully Alexandra and her sweet husband Daniel understood that Gabriel was safe, we were keeping him close and they would come and interact with him every few minutes, and we were able to quickly the the photos they wanted and return Gabriel to the car and Mickey Mouse which instantly reverted him back into a very happy toddler. :)

At that point we decided to finish our session another day, in a warmer location close to home where Gabriel would be more comfortable. So another time, we met at a park near their home and let Gabriel lead the session with minimal direction - and Alexandra loved the results! They wore more casual outfits this time that looked amazing in the fall setting of the park. Gabriel ran around while we chased him, threw leaves, played on the playground, rode on dad's shoulders, and received many tickles and kisses in his parents' arms. While we were celebrating Alexandra and Daniel's growing family and the imminent arrival of his new baby sister, Gabriel was the star of the show and winning some smiles from this sweet, precocious boy was absolutely everything!

Alexandra, I am so blessed by our friendship and so appreciate your trust in me to capture these memories for y'all, even when it meant pivoting from our original vision and going with the flow of what your sweet little guy needed most. It sure helped with planning for newborn photos too! (Be sure to check out sweet baby Cecilia and her family in this post!) I love you, friend, and can't wait to watch your family grow and change through the years - I'll happily be there to document it all! <3

Expecting mama holds her tummy and softly gazes downward smiling during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Expecting mom walks down a forest path hand on tummy and smiling during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Expecting mom holds belly and runs hand through hair eyes closed during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband hugs expecting wife from behind and they gaze at her belly during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband places hand on expecting wife's tummy and they kiss during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband and expecting wife walk down a forest path hand in hand during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Expecting mom stands on forest path at sunset holding belly looking right during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, C
Expecting mom stands on forest path smiling and holding belly at sunset during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Expecting mom holds her tummy and smiles downward during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband leads pregnant wife down forest path and they smile at each other during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, C
Husband faces away, pregnant wife leans on his shoulder and smiles hand on belly during maternity photos in Colorado Spr
Husband hugs his pregnant wife from behind and they smile at sunset during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Close up of husband and pregnant wife holding her tummy during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband holds pregnant wife's tummy and they lean in for a kiss during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband hugs his pregnant wife from behind and they smile at each other during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Husband leads his pregnant wife down a forest path during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents snuggle their toddler son during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Expecting mom snuggles her toddler son during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents stnad under a fall tree with their toddler son at sunset during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents play with their toddler son and tickle him during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Mom kisses toddler son sitting on dad's shoulders, dad kisses her tummy during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents hold their toddler son and everyone laughs during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents hold their toddlers on up in the air and smile during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Mom and toddler son kiss as dad smiles during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents follow their toddler son and they all smile during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Mom holds and smiles at her toddler son during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Dad plays with his toddler son in the grass during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents kiss as toddler son watches from dad's shoulders, mom holds tummy during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, C
Parents follow their toddler son through the grass, mom holds pregnant tummy during maternity photos in Colorado Springs
Parents snuggle their toddler son and smile during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents stand smiling, mom holds pregnant tummy, dad with son on his shoulders during maternity photos in Colorado Sprin
Toddler boy stands in the grass and fallen leaves during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents stand holding toddler son and expecting mom's belly during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents smile as their toddler son points out an airplane during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents tickle their toddler son in their arms as the sun sets during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.
Parents hold their toddler son in a field at sunset during maternity photos in Colorado Springs, CO.